Hotel in Bad Gastein - Völserhof

Sights & attractions

Things to see & do in the City of Salzburg & in Salzburger Land

Your advantages with the Gastein Card & the SalzburgerLand Card

Gastein Card

On arrival at the Hotel Völserhof you receive the Gastein Card free of charge. Now there’s nothing standing in your way of a great holiday. Take advantage of the free facilities, such as use of the cross country trails in the whole of Gastein. Numerous, addtional discounts await.

SalzburgerLand Card

The SalzburgerLandCard offers free admission to over 190 sights and attractions in the whole of Salzburger Land. Plus a wide range of discounts, e.g. reductions in the City of Salzburg, the Ice Caves etc.


Now you can buy your Salzburg Land Card online.